The Drum: Why 2018 will be the year of augmentation

Tasha Cronin, co-director of interactive production for Droga5 reveals her thought on the future of AR.
“In 2018, I hope and expect to see brands applying tech—such as machine learning, chatbots and AR—to facilitate ease of purchase or customer service while consumers simultaneously become comfortable with it showing up everywhere in their lives.
Nexus Studios just launched a delightful navigation companion named Hotstepper that assists you within the often confusing world of mobile-map directions. The release was the result of internal experimentation aimed at showcasing their impressive development chops as well as their well-known character creation. Those of us who see how the sausage is made understand what an incredible feat this project is and, therefore, how pressworthy. But for everyday users, what they experience is what matters most: a charming character with valuable directional arrows who removes the stress of navigating from A to B.”
Read the full piece on The Drum here.