Noughts + Crosses
The BBC series adaptation of Malorie Black’s seminal piece, Noughts + Crosses boldly brings to life a dystopian world where racial prejudices have been inverted.
As Executive Producer, Kibwe Tavares oversaw the development, casting and production of the critically acclaimed drama, working with fellow Factory Fifteen members on the design and build of the breathtaking cityscapes which provide an iconic backdrop for the dramatic events of the story to unfold.

The Cityscapes
Factory Fifteen chose to retain the strong visual locator of the Thames river that runs through London. The capital was redesigned to create a clear visual divide between the Noughts on the South side and the Crosses on the North. Vibrant colour and pattern play off a block estate vernacular that is familiar to London, whilst the Spirit of the Cross statue stands tall over an international CBD. Strong pyramidal shaped office buildings stand firm in a modern and African inspired architectural capital; Albion.

Behind the Scenes
Concept artwork, designs and 3D models were created to help visualise the world of Noughts + Crosses in detail. Exploring African heritage and the history of its colonisation, Factory Fifteen developed a visual language that would resonate as culturally authentic and familiar.