Chris O’Reilly in Campaign on the Golden Age of Animation
Catch up on Campaign’s insightful article where they detail the renaissance of animation in advertising over the last year. Emmet McGonagle spoke to Nexus Studios co-founder and ECD, Chris O’Reilly, one of our long-term collaborators, owner of Arch Model Studio, Andy Gent and a handful of our contemporaries.
Chris opened up on the “developments in real-time animation, the process of using a motion-capture system to puppeteer a 3D character live, which has moved past gamey or visually non-pleasing graphics into something more dynamic.” Using ‘Drawn Closer’ our animated film with Cox Communications as an example, he points to how “real-time animation can be a really successful tool in allowing brands to be more agile, iterative and conversational, traits that have become even more important for advertisers in the digital age.”
Read the full article here.