Amazon Studios x Critical Role
The Legend of Vox Machina (Live Q&A)
We teamed up with Amazon Studios and Critical Role to explore the uncharted territory of live animated entertainment.
In a first-of-its-kind event, cast from the cult show ‘The Legend of Vox Machina’, Travis Willingham and Sam Riegel performed as their animated characters in real time, Grog and Scanlan, and hosted a live Q&A with their fans.
An audience of over 20,000 tuned in on the day, and a further 300,000+ caught up with it post-premiere. Many praised it for its innovative offering.

The Craft Behind the Magic
Creatively led by Oscar winner Patrick Osborne, our Real-Time team took motion capture beyond its typical capabilities and developed a system to stylise actor movements replicated in real time by the much loved animated characters. When Travis and Sam moved, smiled and waved, so did Grog and Scanlan, erasing the need for studio animation and lengthy offline rendering, and opening the door to the world of unscripted animation as never seen before.