Whether you are looking to pass on important information or bring imaginative tales to life, you can artfully portray your message through a range of typographic styles and techniques, all of which can be achieved whilst working remotely and within a relatively short time frame.


Ted Ed – Accents

Robertino’s film is a spoken word piece written and performed by Denice Frohman. An ode to her mother’s Puerto Rican accent, the short conveys the soul and rhythm of Denice’s electric performance.


Ray-Ban – Get Creative

Nicolas’ psychedelic animation features the distinctive shape of the classic Ray-Ban design in a range of kaleidoscopic graphics.

Nike Foundation – Girl Effect

Mighty Nice’s multi-award-winning film uses graphic typography to present ‘The Girl Effect’; a humanitarian campaign.


Universal  – Scott Pilgrim Title Sequence

Described by Shynola as an ‘8-bit epileptic eye-fight’, the visual napalm depicts what film character ‘Knives’ feels as she watches Scott’s band rehearse.


Google I/O 2018 – Countdown

Nicolas’ beautifully animated countdown live streamed to millions around the globe. The numbers, drawn frame by frame, playfully transition to the rhythm of the drums.

Dreamworks – Catch Me If You Can

Taking inspiration from Saul Bass’ distinctive graphic illustrations, this iconic title sequence perfectly sets the scene for Spielberg’s sixties caper ‘Catch Me If You Can’.


Canal+ ‘Eva’

Reflections, glass and water all move together to create cobweb-like imagery in this ethereal title sequence – slowly introducing the viewer to the world of ‘Eva’, a retro-futuristic sci-fi thriller.
